by Kay Ziv


Gil Dor is a professional photographer based in Israel, Born 1969.
Gil’s specializes in architecture & Interior design, fashion and portrait photography.
Also, Gil work as a website design & build, and gives to his clients A comprehensive solution, which includes photographs, design and construction of a professional website.
Gil’s connection to architectural photography which is different from other areas of
Photography where the shape and structure of the house or apartment is fixed, as opposed to fashion photography and portraits, GIL finds the right angles, with attention to natural lighting , furniture and home decor to create an image showing the house and the space in the most flattering light
Customers who work with Gil Dor are varied, and include: interior designers, architects , builders and owners of holiday apartments and luxury apartment, who need high-quality photos for documenting and advertising.

Read The full Article On Israeli Lens Magazine Issue#8 Architectural Photography

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