Gilad Kavalerchik

by Kay Ziv

Gilad Kavalerchik. FIPCOM

The winner of 2015 FIPCOM Photojournalism Competition. Category: Sports single

Gilad (34) started working as a photojournalist and a photo editor for the biggest Israeli Newspaper “Yediot Aharonot” in 2002, where he worked for 12 years. In addition to being a photojournalist, Gilad is also focused on photography of extreme sport and especially under-water photography. This day Gilad finished to billed the first ‘’Israeli sports photography agency’’ that can serve newspaper around the world in sport events that take place in Israel.

About The FIPCOM competition

FIPCOM – the Fujairah International Photojournalism Competition – emerged from the fast-growing Emirate of Fujairah’s determination to invest heavily in the sector of culture and communication. Through the Fujairah Culture and Media Authority (FCMA), which strives to foster cultural development and enrichment, Fujairah has partnered with Agence France-Presse to offer professional photojournalists the opportunity to enter the FIPCOM competition.
AFP is internationally recognized for the excellence of its photojournalists and is a major player in the field of journalism. Photojournalism is much more than a profession or trade: it is an ethical and critical representation of cultural and political life.

Read the full article on Israeli Lens Magazine Issue #12 Water&Underwater Photography

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