by Kay Ziv



The Man And The Sea

This photography series that I chose to display here, represent the strong connection between
a man and the sea.
In some photographs the connection is obvious and in others is more emotional than it seems.
As a man who grew up by the beach, I spent many days and hours with the sea. Sometimes, the sea was my best friend and a sympathetic ear for my thoughts and pain.
To this very day, when I need a clear mind, I am going to the sea for meditation and to relax.
-Oren Golan


Born in Israel in 1975.
He works as a freelance photographer and
a photography teacher.
Oren prefers dedicating most of his time to his art and finding ways to express himself.
Oren felt passionate about photography from a very young age.
He received his first camera when he was about seven years old and he started to document his friends.
At the age of 27, after struggling between his dreams and ideas, he decided to become a professional photographer.
Always driven by a concept, Oren describes himself as a documentary photographer eager to provoke his audience with messages and raw images that most people shy away from.
Each frame Oren captures is about a dialogue between 2 – 3 elements … it’s the dialogue that inspires his work.

Read the full article on Lens Magazine Issue#20 Seascapes



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