“The protagonist is the light, which escapes and is reflected in seemingly uninhabited spaces, but which have been constructed by man.”
Marcela Ruty Romero was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and has been living in Israel since 2001.
She started to photograph at the age of 7, Later on studying history and anthropology.
She opened her photography studio “RutySoft” in 1994. Her studio offers professional services of product photography and architectural photography.
From the artistic level of view, her vision of the world is usually monochromatic, she explores the night looking for sensations, patterns in architecture, textures in nature, people in action, as well as spaces without people.
In this series, the protagonist is the light, which escapes and is reflected in seemingly uninhabited spaces, but which have been constructed by man.
‘Night scene’ is one of Romero’s latest series, which she is working on and still in progress. Her idea is to highlight the meeting between tranquility and tension caused by darkness and light.
The snapshots were made in the early hours of the night, with tripod, long exposure. In post production the lights were enhanced, generating high contrast that maximizes the tension between light and dark, with the purpose of generating emotions in the viewer.
The photos presented were conducted at the Monument to the Negev Brigade, Beer Sheva’s High-Tech Park Bridge, and diverse buildings in Tel Aviv.
Read the full article on Lens Magazine Issue #52