ROIE GALITZ | An Exclusive Interview

by Kay Ziv

An interview with ROIE GALITZ

We are most pleased to interview one of the most known wildlife, Nature & culture photographers in Israel. This is the second time we have an interview with Roie, Last interview was on Israeli Lens Magazine Issue#9 where he exhibit his cultural series “The children of Uganda”, this time we are excited to talk with him about shootong the North Lights…

Hello Roie, Thank you for the interview.
Please introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about yourself
I’m a wildlife and nature photographer and I’m an activist in the field of photography, as I’m promoting the love of photography wherever I can. I’m the CEO of the Galitz School of Photography (Israel’s largest photography school) and CEO of Phototeva Photo Travel company.

Are you Autodidact or you went to school to study photography?
I am self taught in photography. Everything I know I learned from practice, friends and the Internet.

Where did you manage to shoot already?
I’ve been shooting all around the world, for the past ten years now.
I’m usually going to the most remote places on earth, looking for the unique wildlife and most amazing landscape. Going extreme is necessary to get the best results.
With Phototeva world travel, I have taken excited travellers with me to accomplish the most difficult images of all.

What is your most favorite spot for shooting Night photography?
Surely the most exciting night photography phenomena is the Aurora Borealis, also called the Northern Lights. For that I have travelled to Lapland year after year to get the best aurora and the best images. Sure, it’s absolutely cold, around minus 20 degrees. But it’s worth it when you see the magical green lines crossing the sky.

In this special field of wildlife photography, What kind of gear do you use for night photography?
I use my Nikon D810 camera and I love the wide Nikon 14-24mm F/2.8. One of the best combinations in the world.

What is your favorite photography accessory, other than your camera? My Nikon 500mm F/4 VR Lens for wildlife and the Nikon 85mm F/1.4 for portraits and my Nikon 14-24mm F/2.8 for landscape.

If you had to choose one lens which one would it be and why? A 500mm or 600mm F/4, since I do like to get close to the action and get the details that are invisible to the naked eye and there’s always the added bonus of a silky smooth background bokeh.

Read the full article on Israeli Lens Magazine issue #14  Night & Night Life photography


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