The issue of guns, gun ownership, and in particular, gun violence has increasingly become a mainstay of our country’s weekly news cycle. Over time and using extended exposure, I found myself becoming progressively curious about the topic at large, the motivations behind gun ownership, and the intense feelings and diametrical opinions that accompany firearms.

Ultimately, this struggle became my own.
I grappled with this fiercely debated subject and its polarity. I discovered, to my surprise, that the resolution to my difficulty lay in lifting my lens in its direction so that I might discover what it would reveal!
While at this juncture, I cannot return to many of the communities that I photo-documented due to the expansive geographic distance, not to mention the economic outlay that it would entail, I would nonetheless attempt to exhibit my work in disparate communities.
That overall might reflect one side more strongly of the divide than the other so that each might see this issue anew.

Copyrights to Anne-Marie Weber © All Rights Reserved.
Also, I would augment these viewings with personal recollections of the communities in which these photos were taken, as well as many of the stories conveyed to me from those individuals photo-documented.!
No court of the exhibition can genuinely further any cause without fully surveying both sides of
a topic or, in this instance, potentially altering the perspective of a viewer without fully engaging them in the subject matter at hand. I hope that any future engagements I’m able to convene would sincerely attempt in so doing.!

Anne-Marie Weber is an assignment photographer living in Lake Tahoe,
California. She studied photography and the liberal arts at the College of Marin, California. Anne-Marie began her photographic career in documenting extreme sports and, over time, gradually began to expand her portfolio to include street and travel photography.!
Anne-Marie’s commercial clients include Volvo, Timex, White Rain Shampoo, Norwegian Cruise Lines, The US Soccer Team, and Cannon. Editorial clients include Vogue, Newsweek, Sports Illustrated, Outside Magazine, Men’s Fitness, and Climbing Magazine.
Anne-Marie’s current project, LOCKNLOADED USA, explores America’s deep history and complicated relationship with guns. She has used her background and acquired skills in her previous photo disciplines in her crossing over to this challenging and divisive subject matter that will range over the whole of the United States.

Copyrights to Anne-Marie Weber © All Rights Reserved.
As a sports photographer, Anne-Marie has always attempted to narrow the gender gap. On this specific project, she wanted to additionally explore the world of guns that includes women as equals in this complex issue of firearms in our country and the associated polarity that has arisen as a result.
Anne-Marie has been active in funding and supporting the CLIMB FOR A CHILD program, a non-profit organization.
She climbs to raise monies for the Tanzanian Guides daughters who, without this funding, would be unable to continue their formal educations in Tanzania.

Copyrights to Anne-Marie Weber © All Rights Reserved.

Copyrights to Anne-Marie Weber © All Rights Reserved.

website: anne-marieweber.com
instagram: @lockednloaded.usa
Read the full article on Lens Magazine Issue #64