by Kay Ziv


Elad David

Elad David

Elad David is an Israeli artist and a photographer based in Tel-Aviv. He graduated from the Minshar School of Arts, and holds a B.A. in Arts and Social Sciences. As a professional photographer, David specializes in portraiture and PR photography.
Over the past few years David photographed models for some Israeli agencies as well as women’s P.R portraits for the Israeli magazine “Olam Haisha”. He also took pictures of male portraits and urban photos as artistic photography. Many of these works were published in online art and fashion magazines, printed magazines and were displayed in group and solo exhibitions.
David’s works include females but mostly he focuses on male portraiture. In his work he deals with imagery from a personal place, relating to events from his past and present, as well as other events and periods in his life. His work touches on various subjects such as gender, identity and sexuality as well as subjects such as family and surroundings, boyhood, environmental portraits, graphic adaptation of elements in the urban space and more.
David often fuses personal texts with his photography as part of his choice not to be limited to the media he uses; therefore you can sometimes find in his art different means other than photography such as text, painting, scanning and replication.
Many of David’s photography works are portraits of males, and most of them include artistic male nudity. These works aim to question the relationship between the photographer and his illustrated subject and the willingness of the subject, as well as the photographer, to expose themselves while being part of the same work – The photographed person for his physical exposure and vulnerability and him as an artist and as a person for the exposed personal intimate point of view.
Though most of David’s portraiture photographs directed and possess the aesthetics of clean and minimal studio photography, he still prefers to let his models be a part of the action of photography. He chooses to do so by letting them to choose the location, the cloths, the pose etc.

“It is very important for me” Says David “that the model will feel and understand this action I take rather than just standing there and doing what I tell him to do. By putting myself sometimes in the shoes of the model, I have learned in each one of these experiences more about the role of the model\illustrated but mostly I got the opportunity to learn about my role as a photographer and to improve and to adjust myself in each time.”

Read The full Article On Israeli Lens Magazine Issue#7 Portrait Photography

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