HOME By Mossi Armon

by Kay Ziv

By Mossi Armon

Copyrights to Mossi Armon© All rights reserved

Copyrights to Mossi Armon© All rights reserved

Home is perhaps the most basic thing in our lives, yet it is an abstract concept with various feelings and sentiments involved: Feeling at home, longing for home, memories from home, a taste of home and so many more.
For some people their home is their castle, for others a temporary refuge. There are those whose working place becomes their home and for the homeless people, the “outside” is their home.
I am interested in the variety of homes, especially those with age marks on them telling the history of the place.
The gentrification changing neighborhoods’ character and the urban renewal offering modern towers instead of the housing projects built for the massive immigration to Israel in the 50’s are examples for accelerated socio-economic processes which change the nature of the environment.

Copyrights to Mossi Armon© All rights reserved

Copyrights to Mossi Armon© All rights reserved



Born in Israel, 1949

1976 – graduated from The Department of Film & Television at Tel-Aviv University
1978 – attended still photography workshops at ICP, NYC
1979 on – working as a cameraman in documentary films and television.
Five years ago I returned to an old passion, still photography, and ever since have been doing it intensively and exclusively. The digital photography opened new and diversified options which I am examining, focusing on the possibilities and flexibility of the media.
I participated in a few group shows in Israel and abroad, and had a solo exhibition last summer at the Rishon LeZiyyon’s artists’ gallery. I’m mostly interested in aspects concerning social and environmental subjects. My main work is being done in Israel, as I feel most comfortable “photographing in Hebrew”.


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