LISA POWERS | The Studio as my Stage.
A collection of archival images from my years of shooting with FILM.

Lisa Powers © All rights reserved
“This series of images are mostly from my years in New York and all shot on film. Shooting with film is still my preferred medium. I’m now enjoying scanning my film images into digital and mix the mediums fearlessly…”

Lisa Powers © All rights reserved
My studio lighting equipment: Shooting film requires many different lights for creating special effects. I brought all my studio equipment with me when I relocated from New York to New Zealand and need to use a voltage adapter to change the voltage from 110 (US) to 220 (NZ). Several of my lights are vintage movie studio lights, which I bought at studio auctions. When the light bulbs burn out, I doubt that I’ll be able to replace them.

Lisa Powers © All rights reserved

I started my career as a freelance commercial photographer in New York and was honored to work with some great clients and art directors. I was one of the few women working successfully in commercial photography at that time. My commercial portfolio included ads I shot for significant clients, fashion catalogs for Macy’s and Bloomingdales, NY, New York magazine editorials, celebrity portraits, and movie posters.
I had a wonderful agent who magically gained access to ‘impossibly difficult-to-see’ creative directors and art buyers.
The field was highly competitive; the assignments stressful but lucrative. It was the era of FILM photography. I am self-taught in art, design, and photography. I studied from books and magazines, but mostly I learned by shooting as often as I could.

Lisa Powers © All rights reserved
This series of images are mostly from my years in New York and all shot on film. Shooting with film is still my preferred medium. I’m now enjoying scanning my film images into digital and mix the mediums fearlessly…
In 2008, I left New York and relocated to New Zealand, where I currently live and work.

Lisa Powers © All rights reserved