“Marcio Pilot is a gifted artist who has the ability to create photographic compositions with a unique freshness.
His use of lights and colors, his perspective, often surprising and always bewitching, his inspiration allows us to enjoy the beauty represented in his works in various forms, be they those of femininity or nature. His gaze gives us a precious experience in both cases, highlighting the splendor of life with strength and creativity”.
– Giovanni Cordoni, Florence Biennale
Event Manager and Member of the Curatorial Board

Marcio Pilot © All rights reserved.
Finalist at the International Open Call Competition. A collaboration of Florence Biennale, Art Market Magazine, and Lens Magazine.

Born in Campinas (SP) – Brazil, Marcio Pilot is a fine art photographer best known for his expertise in creating a dramatic sensation for the viewer by using extreme light in Black & white and color, unique compositions, and expressing an emotional and sexual feeling.
Marcio Pilot has exhibited internationally in galleries and art fairs, including at the Memorial de Arte Adélio Sarro and Leica Gallery in São Paulo in Brazil. In 2014, His dine art photography work has been featured at the Argentina Biennial. In 2019, Marcio exhibited his work at the Florence Bienniale event and received enormous exposure and quality recognition.
“One cannot stop cherishing the beauty and sensuality of female forms of Marcio Pilot’s images. His divine landscape and the warm and delicate textures of his work, the curves, oh the curves of Brazilian beauties, yes it a breathtaking moment every time any admirer”.
– Cliff Li – Leica Gallery São Paulo – 2007
@renatabardazzi / MUA @francomaq
Marcio Pilot © All rights reserved.
Marcio Pilot and Ray Charles have a lot in common: they’re both blind. I mean, so severely blind that they’ve come to develop the so-called “absolute pitch,” thus, capable of detecting the most subtle of murmurs, moans, and groans. Yes, this a kind of “virus” capable of infiltrating a sound system anywhere or a PA system as well as in our daily lives.
I’m not wrong. Marcio Pilot and Beethoven have a lot in common as well: they’re both deaf. And, by being blind, They’ve developed “perfect 20/20 eyesight”! Stop it! Enough of this crap!!!
I simply cannot stand leafing through a catalog of photography. I’ve been receiving them for decades. They’re all the same: naked women, flowers, plants, still life alive or dead, animal stunts are frozen in time in the most unique positions.
However, Marcio’s pictures are, indeed, different. He has elevated my aforementioned list to an exciting level: it’s almost as if he has penetrated each and every category and proceeded to have them incestuously have sex with the essence of the essence of their meaning.
So, in short: Marcio Pilot’s photos are of a metalinguistic nature.
By going through them, you’ll find unique details, and you’ll feel as if the rug has been pulled from under you, and all that you’re seeing is not quite the same as all that which you’re seeing. There’s a lot written about photography, from Roland Barthes to Susan Sontag and so many others.
I don’t much more to offer in that regard other than to say that Marcio Pilot brings sound to his images. And what a sound.
And that cannot be said about many photographers.
- Gerald Thomas. NYC – June 2007.
Marcio Pilot © All rights reserved.
“….And for this artist, dance consists of sound, light, and beauty. Even in photographs where the subject is obviously lying still, his images are still evocative of these three elements. Marcio Pilot says that what he loves most about creating art is the personal awareness that people see the world through his eyes.”
– Angela DiBello,
Agora Gallery – NYC – 2014
Marcio Pilot © All rights reserved.