by Kay Ziv


Maya Oren, Photographer and Artist
Born in 1981, and currently living in Tel Aviv, Israel.
“When I close my eyes, I dream, imagine, and ponder. Ever since I was a little girl I would always explore the world, ask questions, observe, learn, feel, and connect.
My mother tells the known story of how when I was one year old, I would stand up in my crib so that I could oversee everyone around me in the room. Since I was so curious and didn’t want to miss even one moment, I would end up falling asleep standing up, face smashed into the bars of the crib. Even today, I can never miss a precious moment.
I love sitting around a coffee shop gazing at people passing by and envisioning their lives. Are they joyful? Sad? Optimists? Careless? Waiting for life to pass by? Or maybe they are gentle souls and hopeful romantics like me?
Asking a Gemini like myself to choose one passion in life is like asking a little girl to choose her favorite toy or flavor of ice cream. Therefore, I chose to not choose.
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