Michel Braunstein. Breathtaking Spots Underwater

by Kay Ziv

Michel Braunstein
Breathtaking Spots Underwater


Hello, my name is Michel Braunstein, my passion for the sea was born prior to my 10th birthday as I was watching Jacques Cousteau’s movies. Just about 10 years later, I started diving and taking underwater pictures with a rented SeaandSea camera. I have never stopped taking underwater pictures since then.
For one of my birthdays, I got a Nikonos V underwater camera. A heck of a birthday present! This was probably the gift I’ve appreciated the most in my whole life.
As electronics end studies project/thesis, I have developed in 1990-91 a diving computer with optical connection to a PC. That happened before the first diving computer model including a PC connection, was launched on the market (by Suunto).
After hundreds of dives in the dark and cold lakes of my Belgian homeland, I decided to move to Israel to be closer to my beloved Red Sea.
I had the chance to travel the Galapagos Islands, Palau (Micronesia), Yap (Micronesia), Papua New Guinea, Maldives, Brazil, etc and of course I had many occasions to dive the Red Sea as well. More details about my adventures are available in the different articles on the site.

Read the full article on Israeli Lens Magazine Issue #12 Water&Underwater Photography

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