Nugroho Fadillah Ridho © All rights reserved.

Nugroho Fadillah Ridho © All rights reserved.
The “Vibration” series express destruction and reconstruction through art. The project was inspired by the basic universe dynamic movement. The photos focused on perfection through the imperfection window. Everythings move and grow in harmonic, dynamic rhythm.
Most people usually see things in one direction. The “Vibration” aims to affect your sigh in a multidimensional perspective. The project was taken in Pop Ventosa Technique which merges around thirty different angle photos in one frame. This technique allows the viewer to notice unseen details which are usually being ignored. This technique will invite you into an imperfect world.

Nugroho Fadillah Ridho © All rights reserved.

Nugroho Fadillah Ridho © All rights reserved.

My name is Nugroho Fadillah Ridho, and I’m from the lovely tropical country of Indonesia. I live in a densely populated and highly polluting urban environment.
I love adventure activities such as photography and looking for places that have good aesthetic moments to photograph.
Here I present the “Unseen” series as a collection of two projects. There are two sub-series of photos with the theme “Water things” and “Vibration.” Both of the sub-series have
a common approach for expressing and releasing emotions in indecipherable art. For some viewers, the photos are hard to understand and induce curiosity; some of the comments on the series described a strange, unclear feeling, which is actually the purpose of the photos.
The “Unseen” series aims to present situations from different and unusual points of view.
“Water Things”

Nugroho Fadillah Ridho © All rights reserved.
“Water Things” sub-series focuses on loneliness. I took photos of objects in the water, objects that people usually don’t notice at all. Using water as a natural canvas to create a lonely mirror, water is a perfect mysterious element at the same time, which rais questions about loneliness feelings in our surrounding. It’s okay to be lonely because your best friend will always be yourself and your shadow.

Nugroho Fadillah Ridho © All rights reserved.
In this project, I used long-exposure techniques to create a profoundly mysterious and lonely feeling. I just learned this technique a year ago, and I’m addicted to the outcome because this technique can reflect meaning in a clean, profound way.