by Kay Ziv


Ohad Romano is a fashion and advertising photographer and a long distance runner. Ohad shoots for many of the Israelis market leading companies, artists, Musicians, actors and celebrities.
“My visual way of thinking come out of my Color blind. Many times I don’t know if its the right Color but I can always feel if its the right Color for me.”

During the years of his work Ohad developed unique visual languish that most people can recognize from a long distance when they sees his work often on billboards all over Tel Aviv.
“I have a lot of time to think of new ideas and concepts for my projects during my long distance running and all the time looking for a new ways to express my ideas, loving the way and the process that leads to the perfect frame not less than the final result.”

The photos exhibit here are taken from a project that I did with
a very special artist and singer, The girl with a thousand faces – Lee Triffon for her project “kokoro”, The stylist Gai Silverman and the make up and hair artist: Shimon Shoshan.

Read The full Article On Israeli Lens Magazine Issue#5 Fashion Photography

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