by Kay Ziv

Roee Peretz

In my artwork as a part of my nature experience, I shoot what I am most passionate about- the great scenes of the little creatures. I have always been fascinated by the mysteries of the hidden secrets everywhere around us, at home as well as in the wild and harshest places, in the midst of the expansive pine forests or at the least Mediterranean grove.
I use natural light as much as possible, and I look for the picturesque and colorful aspect of my work, in the field when taking the picture and at home when doing my touch and retouch to reach the tiniest and finest nuances I want to emphasize.
I use natural light as much as possible, and I look for the picturesque and colorful aspect of my work, in the field when taking the picture and at home when doing my touch and retouch to reach the tiniest and finest nuances I want to emphasize.
With my camera in my hand, I’m seeking continuously for the next wonder to happen, and most of the times it does happen- every day comes with a new wonder, with a new breathtaking little butterfly mating or a fresh sprout of Autumn Squill making his way up through the rocky ground.
Read The full Article On Israeli Lens Magazine Issue#13 Super Macro Photography

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