After high school, Sebi decided to leave his country on a new adventure. He booked a flight to Israel in 2013, in order to work as a volunteer social worker at an establishment which deals with individuals with mental health issues.
The input he got in the Holy Land about the diversity of belief and cultural understandings needed to be digested.
To him, photography became a tool used to help him process what he had seen and what he wanted to say about it.
After his year of volunteering in Israel, he enrolled at the University of Applied Science and Art in Hanover, Germany, to study photojournalism and documentary photography.
Since 2014 he has been working on different projects concerning social issues and news photography in Israel and around Europe.
In 2016 he successfully finished his internship at a Jerusalem-based photo agency called Flash90.
He is currently continuing his studies and works on a few projects regarding outsider communities in Germany. His works have been shown in Jerusalem, Koblenz and Dortmund, and will soon be displayed in Perpignan’s Visa Pour l´image.
Contact Sebi Berens
Articles by Sebi Berens
SPECIAL INTERVIEW WITH JOEL MEYEROWITZ BY SEBI BERENS JOEL MEYEROWITZ Born in 1938, New York, United States. Lives and works in New York, United …
by Kay Ziv -
ARLES 2017 Exhibitions Coverage by SEBI BERENS What an opening week! The capital of the Camargue, Arles opened up the “Rencontres d’Arles” 2017. The summer …
by Kay Ziv -
WELCOME HOME By Sebi Berens “When you are in, it’s hard to get out. And everything will change, rapidly and strictly. In a country in …
by Kay Ziv