By Sebi Berens

Copyrights to Sebi Berens © All rights reserved

Copyrights to Sebi Berens © All rights reserved
“When you are in, it’s hard to get out. And everything will change, rapidly and strictly. In a country in the heart of Europe, one of the strongest economic powers in the world, a symbol for richness and wealth, people are passing each other with no attention to their environment. And there is a group that always exists beside the everyday moving mass, watching the people flit to their daily structures.
The number of homeless will rise up to nearly half million people in Germany, states the „Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Wohnungshilfe“, an institute which takes care about people with issues regarding living space and society.
In Hanover, there are currently around 3000 who don’t have a safe place to live in, and 1100 are living directly on the streets, without having water, warmth a bed to sleep in.
I decided to make a personal work about the issue of homeless people in a city, that is based in the heart of Germany with a few questions in mind.
How it is to live on the streets, what it is like to see things from down there, how hard is tryig to to find a way out of nothing? What is it like to be homeless?
These questions are not easy to answer.
Read the full article on Lens Magazine Issue #32

Copyrights to Sebi Berens © All rights reserved