“My Sicily is tiny” is a project by Teresa Bontà, a Sicilian photographer who has been transplanted to Venice for years. In her work, the land of origin is being described through a series of shots that focus on the influential figure of the woman.
Female essence immortalized in the most varied and expressive ways: in the alleys of Sicily, on a balcony overlooking a square, a walk on the street under the dreamy gaze of men.

“My Sicily is tiny.” – explains Teresa Bontà – “Is a project that lasted about two years overall. A job where I wanted to touch a thousand tasty: traditions, taboos, values. And each theme has a long path beyond its, a story behind its.
It was a project that gave me the way to live my land in my way. And that gave me enormous satisfaction.
Certainly it is also the aspect connected to the bond with one’s motherland.”
Teresa, with her shots, wanted to give to Sicily and her women an absolute protagonist role on the metaphorical stage of the photographic lens.

Participated in this project: Cinzia Marotta, Rosa Contrino, Lina Vizzini, Sanfilippo Anna, Lauricella Rosa, Gaetano Bruna, Gaetano Mineo, Ezio Bafumo, Mantione Luigi.

Bontà Teresa Letizia was born in Licata Agrigento (a city and commune located on the south coast of Sicily, regions of Italy) in 1981. She approached the world of young photography as an autodidact. The first subject that stimulated her was certainly her environment and the artistic beauty of her country’s landscapes.
Among her favorite subjects, there is the strength and beauty of women, the surrounding reality. Her photography work can be described as simple but attentive to detail.
Photography projects that may tell what is and what has been. Exhibiting the ruth of mentality.
In 2017, which was a year full of success and developments, Teresa Letizia first exhibited her work in Licata and received international interest and exposure in photography publications and newspapers. In 2017 she also participated in the Arte Venice Laguna Prize competition and featured her second exhibition at the Atelier association.

In 2018 she continued working on her unique projects in Sicily, in Palma di Montechiaro, where she kept breaking through the wall of taboos: The kiss between two women in front of the church has caused quite a stir by the population and the newspapers. The shots had a definite consensus of the well-known designer Stefano Gabbana who, on Instagram, commented positively on the unique project.
Teresa Letizia’s work has been featured at the International Festival of Mediterraneo in Mazzara del Vallo, where you could have found over ten shots from her Sicily ongoing project created during the recent years.